Can you explain the difference between an AMR meter and a voltage meter?

10/25/2024 10:06:16

AMR meters and voltmeters are two different types of measuring devices that differ in terms of their functions, uses, and measurement principles.

AMR Electric Meter, short for Automatic Meter Reading, is an automatic meter reading system. This type of electric meter is mainly used for energy metering, load control, centralized meter reading, and other functions. The AMR electric meter automatically sends the results to the electricity management center computer via a telephone line, making it an ideal product for reforming the electricity system. The AMR prepaid remote-reading energy meter is the next generation of automatic meter reading systems, featuring a prepaid function.

Voltmeter is an instrument used to measure the voltage difference between two points in a circuit. The voltmeter should be connected in parallel across the measured circuit, with current flowing into the "+" terminal and out of the "-" terminal. If the voltmeter terminals are connected incorrectly, the pointer will deflect in the opposite direction, which may damage the voltmeter. The range of the voltmeter is usually 0-3V and 0-15V.

Overall, the main differences between AMR meters and voltmeters are: AMR meters are multifunctional automatic meter reading systems mainly used for electricity metering and load control, while voltmeters are instruments specifically designed to measure voltage, primarily used to measure voltage differences in circuits. The two differ in terms of function, purpose, and measurement principles.


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