What is The Synchronous Motor Model Diagram?

08/16/2024 11:16:53

What is The Synchronous Motor Model Diagram?

Synchronous Motor Definition

A synchronous motor is defined as an AC motor where the shaft rotation matches the frequency of the supply current.


Synchronous Motor Circuit Diagram

The synchronous motor circuit diagram includes terminal voltage, effective resistance, leakage reactance, fictitious reactance, and synchronous reactance.


Counter EMF

Counter EMF is the voltage induced in the stator winding due to the rotating magnetic field, which opposes the applied voltage.


Zero Power Factor Method

This method involves plotting the armature terminal voltage against the field current at zero lagging power factor to measure synchronous reactance.






Y = Terminal voltage

Ia = Armature current

Ra = Armature resistance

XL = Leakage reactance

Eg = Generated voltage per phase

Fa = Armature reaction mmf

Ff = Field mmf

Fr = Resultant emf


Potier Triangle

A graphical representation used to determine synchronous reactance by forming a triangle that represents different voltage drops.


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