What is Magnetic Resistance?

Master Electrician
07/11/2024 10:24:59

What is Magnetic  Resistance?

Magnetoresistance definition

Magnetoresistance is the opposite of magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit, and its function is similar to resistance in a circuit.

Magnetoresistive unit :  AT/Wb

Magnetoresistance formula

The calculation method of magnetoresistance is to divide the length of the magnetic circuit by the product of the free space permeability, the relative permeability of the material and the cross-sectional area of the magnetic circuit, namely :

屏幕截图 2024-07-11 102059_修复后.png

屏幕截图 2024-07-11 095035_修复后.png

Influencing factor

  • The geometry of the magnetic circuit

  • Size of magnetic circuit

  • Magnetic properties of materials

Magnetoresistive effect definition

 Refers to the phenomenon that the resistance value of some metals or semiconductors changes with the applied magnetic field. When a metal or semiconductor carrier moves in a magnetic field, it is subjected to the Lorentz force caused by changes in the electromagnetic field.

Classification of magnetoresistive effects

  • Constant magnetoresistance

  • Giant magnetoresistance

  • Giant magnetoresistance

  • Anisotropic reluctance

  • Tunneling magnetoresistive effect

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