What is a Surge Arrester?

07/30/2024 13:59:25

What is a  Surge Arrester?

Definition of Surge Arrester

A surge arrester, also known as a lightning arrester, is a device used to protect electrical equipment from overvoltage transients caused by lightning or switching.




Characteristics of zinc oxide arrester

  • Circulation capacity

  • Protective characteristic

  • Sealing performance

  • Mechanical property

  • Antifouling property

  • High operational reliability

  • Power frequency tolerance



Surge Protection

Surge protection is essential to prevent damage to electrical systems from transient overvoltages, which can be many times greater than the system’s normal voltage.


Sources of Surges

Surges can come from atmospheric lightning or from switching operations within the electrical system itself.


ZnO Lightning Arresters

Zinc oxide lightning arresters are effective because of their non-linear current-voltage characteristics, which allow them to handle and dissipate surge energy.


Construction and Working Principle

ZnO arresters are constructed from zinc oxide discs in a polymer or porcelain housing, and their effectiveness relies on the material’s ability to handle high surge currents through its non-linear resistance properties.


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