What is a Potentiometer?

08/01/2024 07:51:50

What is a  Potentiometer?

Potentiometer Definition

A potentiometer (also known as a pot or potmeter) is defined as a 3-terminal variable resistor used to control the flow of electric current by adjusting resistance.




Working Principle

Potentiometers work by moving a sliding contact across a uniform resistance, adjusting the voltage output based on the contact’s position.




Types of Potentiometers

  • Rotary potentiometer

  • Linear potentiometer



Digital Potentiometers

Digital potentiometers offer higher accuracy and reliability than mechanical ones, using electronic controls to vary resistance.




Advantages of Digital Potentiometers

  • Higher reliability

  • Increased accuracy

  • Small size, multiple potentiometers can be packed on a single chip

  • Negligible resistance drift

  • No moving part

  • Tolerance up to ±1%

  • Very low power dissipation, up to tens of milliwatts


Disadvantages of Digital Potentiometers

  • Not suitable for high temperature environment and high power application.


  • The nonlinearity in the wiper resistance adds a harmonic distortion to the output signal. The total harmonic distortion, or THD, quantifies the degree to which the signal is degraded after crossing through the resistance.




  • Comparing the emf of a battery cell with a standard cell

  • Measuring the internal resistance of a battery cell

  • Measuring the voltage across a branch of a circuit


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