What is Over Fluxing in Transformer ?
Over Fluxing Definition
Over fluxing in a transformer occurs when the magnetic flux density exceeds the designed limit, leading to potential damage.
Causes of Over Fluxing
Over fluxing can be caused by overvoltage, low-frequency power generation, lightly loaded transmission lines, and inadequate shunt compensation.
Effects of Over Fluxing
Over voltage causes due to sudden load rejection
Low frequency generation of power
Transmission line is lightly loaded
Proper shunt compensation in transmission system is not provided.
Over fluxing Protection
The flux in a transformer, under normal conditions is confined to the core of transformer because of its high permeability compared to the surrounding volume. When the flux density in the increases beyond saturation point, a substantial amount of flux is diverted to steel structural parts and into the air. At saturation flux density the core steel will over heat.
Protection Mechanisms
A typical protection scheme uses a combination of voltage transformers, resistors, capacitors, and Zener diodes to monitor and respond to over fluxing conditions.
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