What is a Dead Short ?

08/05/2024 11:16:06

What is a  Dead Short ?

Dead Short Definition

A dead short is when electrical current flows where it shouldn’t, with no resistance, often causing damage or hazard.


Comparison with Short Circuit

Unlike a short circuit, which has some resistance and reduced voltage, a dead short shows zero voltage and resistance, indicating a more severe problem.


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Bolted Fault Similarity

A bolted fault, like a dead short, also exhibits zero resistance, but it specifically involves connections to ground.


Ground Fault Differences

Ground faults involve some resistance and usually occur when a live wire touches a grounded surface, unlike the zero-resistance path in a dead short.


Practical Example

Demonstrating a dead short with resistors, where shorting the terminals with zero resistance leads to a drastic increase in current, bypassing the resistors entirely.




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