What is a The Transient Behavior of Capacitor ?

07/16/2024 10:27:51

What is a The Transient  Behavior of  Capacitor ?

Capacitor transient response definition

The transient response of a capacitor is the period during which it charges or discharges, changing its voltage and current over time.

Charging behavior

When a voltage is applied, the capacitor is charged and the current starts at a high level and drops to zero as the voltage at its ends increases.

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Charging behavior

When a voltage is applied, the capacitor is charged and the current starts at a high level and drops to zero as the voltage at its ends increases.

Discharge behavior

When disconnected from the power supply and short-circuited, the capacitor discharges and the voltage and current drop exponentially to zero.

Kirchhoff's law in capacitor circuits

Kirchhoff's voltage law helps determine the relationship between voltage and current during a capacitor's transient response.


The transient or charging process of a capacitor is basically over after 5 time constants.


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